Village of Roslyn Estates

Long Island, New York

BOT Agenda April 23, 2018

Village of Roslyn Estates

Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, April 23, 2018 -7:30 p.m.*

Village Hall




1. Pledge of Allegiance


2. Annual Meeting


3. Minutes

A. Board of Trustees - March 19, 2018


4. Monthly Budget Report

A. March 2018


5. Audit of Claims

A. General Fund

B. Birches Sewer District


6.   Old Business

           A.  Properties of Interest. – Myers.

          B.  Letter to Residents requesting their email addresses.

C. Azalea Park – Phase 1. – Send a letter to the residents for comment.

D. Public Hearing to authorize a local law to add a new Chapter 92, “Licensing,” to the      Code of the Village of Roslyn Estates in order to require commercial landscapers to register with the Village.  Review of Draft Application.

E. Public Hearing to present and entertain public comment upon the proposed final budget for the fiscal year ended 2018/2019.

F. Tax Warrant – Motion to adopt.


7.   New Business      

A. Proposal for road resurfacing and repairing at the intersection of Warner Ave. and the         Intervale.

B. Drain replacement at Diana’s Trail and the Tulips. Recommendation from the Village Engineer.


8. Correspondence  


9. Review of Open Items

            A. Results of Village Election on March 20, 2018.


10. Police Report – February, 2018. March, 2018 is not available as of yet.


11. Next MeetingMonday, May 15, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. (tentative)*

*At 7:00 p.m., the Board of Trustees will open the public meeting by accepting and voting on a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss items appropriate for executive session pursuant to the Open Meeting Law. If no such motion is adopted, or if executive session business is completed prior to 7:30 p.m., then the Board will declare a recess. At approximately 7:30 p.m., the Board will resume its public meeting.